Sandstone Walls
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SIREWALL is an insulated, engineered rammed earth wall, with the strength of concrete, that forms the basis of an attractive, high performance building structure and envelope.

SIREWALL is a technologically advanced refinement of ancient building practices. It represents the transformation of a historically proven but unsophisticated and limited building material into a top tier contemporary architectural medium.

In contrast to traditional rammed earth, SIREWALL is appropriate for any climate – the more demanding the climate, the more attractive the material actually becomes. Think of a solid slab of stone cast into an architectural form, structurally reinforced with steel and thermally insulated with insulation in the core.

SIREWALL will never burn or rot, and it has no toxic ingredients. The interior and exterior finish of the wall is integral to the material, so there is nothing to maintain. And it is the ultimate option from the point of view of environmentally responsible or sustainable design. No other building system offers the combination of benefits found in SIREWALL.

Properties of an ideal wall

It is important to understand the significance of the distinction between organic and inorganic materials.

Natures’ plan for anything organic is for it to ultimately burn, provide food for other living organisms, or return to the earth to decompose. In contrast, inorganic material does not belong to the soil cycle. It will not rot, burn, or provide food for other organisms… and it tends to have abundant thermal mass. The implications of this fundamental fact have profound implications for the design of the built environment.

Industrialized construction materials and methods that use organic material most often attempt to resist and delay the course of nature by means of toxic chemical treatments and processing. We live in the midst of a cancer epidemic – and we live and work in interior spaces created with known carcinogens. Inorganic material is the obvious choice for building architecture that is non-toxic, sustainable, durable, and comfortable in the heat or cold.

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